St Mary's C of E School Truro

St Mary's C of E School

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young. Be an example to all believers, in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity."1 Timothy 4:12

Y5 - Compassion Class

Our class novel for Spring Term: Scavengers


Written by: Darren Simpson

 The scavengers’ universe is made up of just two: young Landfill and old Bagaboo, who hide from an ill-defined enemy in an Eden Bagaboo has created out of detritus. Loving, but strict, Bagaboo has his own dialect and rules: chiefly, hide and obey. Landfill, though, makes a series of increasingly disturbing discoveries that seed doubt and rebellion, and the reader’s suspicions as to what is really happening gradually crystallise with a mixture of fascination and alarm. It’s a hugely compassionate, sophisticated novel, about inclusion and exclusion, and who – or what – is really crazy.’


When a shooting star crashes to earth, it lands Eliot smack bang in the path of Virgo - a young Zodiac goddess on a mission. But when the pair accidentally release Thanatos, a wicked death daemon imprisoned beneath Stonehenge, they've got nowhere to turn for help but to the old Olympian gods.
Welcome to Year 5, where the world is your oyster. As you move along Year 5's timeline we will start our journey with the Ancient Greeks, discover the fascinating Mayan creation and become scientists when learning about life cycles. We bring learning alive and recreate natural disasters, before taking you into the stars to learn about our solar system and beyond.

In our class we are not rising stars, we reach for infinity and beyond!
Miss Rundle, Mrs Martin, Miss Teague, Mrs Thurlow and Mrs Orchard are here to help you with your learning every step of the way.
Autumn Term 2024

Would you like to know more about what we will be learning in the Autumn Term? Take a look at our overview. You will see what will be taught in each subject.
Key instant recall fact
In autumn the children need to know the complements to 1000