Y3 - Hope Class
Welcome to Hope Class!
Mrs Insa is the class teacher supported by Mr Badger, Miss Peters, Mrs Haynes, Miss Prynn and Ms Carrilho
In Year 3 children are learning to become juniors. We are encouraged to try our best to solve problems without a fear of failure. We all know that we learn from our mistakes and that by recognising them we can become better learners. Of course there is a lot of fun to be had on our journey further up the school. Our class enjoy learning through a creative topic-based curriculum. We have lots of exciting topics and we will be taking part in some outdoor adventures along the way.
Our class novel for Autumn Term: My Family Gets Funnier by Chris Higgins

Class Novel: My Family Gets Funnier

Curriculum Sequences
Would you like to know more about what we will be learning this year? Take a look at our overview and you will see what we will learn in each subject.
blue sky planning autumn new sept 2022.pdf
blue sky planning final for website 1.pdf
KIRFs are the 'Key Instant Recall Facts' that children need to secure during their primary years. They include facts such as number bonds and times tables. They are particularly useful when calculating, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing but also underpin many other areas of mathematics.
Children need to learn and know these for homework